Molly Tufnell
'Stitches the Universe'
Contemporary Artist & Teacher
About Molly
My work manifests itself through a mixture photographic and drawing research, out of which pieces will slowly evolve. I usually experiment with a variety of processes until the right medium is found for whatever I am working on which increases my technical expertise. These activities deepen my understanding of what drives me which very simply is about how our world works. I try hard to understand the actual maths and physics behind what I instinctively know, see, and feel but don’t pretend the rigorous inquiry of a scientist. However, I come from a family of Physicists and Mathematicians who are happy to help clarify issues within my research.
When I started my practice over 20 odd years ago, somebody said to me my work was interesting but really had no political meaning. It was then and has always been, about asking the viewer to look at how everything is interdependent and totally interconnected. These days this is not an odd thing to think or say and is of course, overtly political. Patterns are all around us and are a way of understanding our universe and if you dream and drift, watch, look and learn from nature, become aware of your own interactions with what is around you, you begin to find and discover the most extraordinary connections between it all. A simple example of this is to observe the density map made by the stars in the night sky, the density map made by birds in flight, or the density map made by electron clusters around an atom.
The following quotation from Gregory Bateson’s Mind and Nature, A Necessary Unity (2002), seems to me, to sum it all up….
"We have been trained to think of patterns, with the exception of those
in music, as fixed affairs. It is easier and lazier that way but, of course,
all nonsense. In truth, the right way to begin to think about the pattern
that connects is to think of it as primarily (whatever that means) a dance
of interacting parts and only secondarily pegged down by various sorts
of physical limits and by those limits which organisms characteristically
My visual work is on hold whilst I develop my community project Connecting Threads (tranquillity through meditative slow stitching) but there are plenty of ideas just waiting to take flight when I have more time….
Details from Molly's CV:
MA Contemporary Visual Arts (with distinction) 2002-05
BA (Hons) Textiles 1999-2002
HNC Creative Textiles 1998-1999
Certificate in Education 1992-1993
Post Graduate Certificate in Counselling 1986-1988
Further Education Teachers’ Certificate 1985-1986
The Hall Gallery at Sterts: Reflections of a Journey Woman 2019
The Poly, Falmouth 2021
The Poly, Falmouth 2020
Open Studios 2013
Open Studios 2011
More Cornwall: Selected Bibliography, Morrab Library 2007
Artsway 2007
Art Textiles 3, (Touring) 2004-06:
Devon Guild of Craftsman 2006
Harley Gallery 2005
Artsway 2005
Rugby Museum 2005
Aberdeen Art Gallery 2005
Edinburgh City Arts 2004-05
Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery 2004
Falmouth Arts Centre 2003
New Designers 2002
Forge Mill Needle Museum 2002
RK Burt 2001
King of Hearts 2001
Royal Cornwall Museum1999
Open Space Gallery 1999
Newlyn Art Gallery 1999
Lux Open 2003 (as part of Tabula Rasa at The Royal College of Art)
Tabula Rasa (across the Croydon skyline) 2002
Waiting Projects 2004-2006
Arttextiles 3 2004
an Magazine 2002
Finalist, Henry Foyle Award for Stitched Textiles, 2002